Thursday, September 30, 2010

Looking Good In The Woods


I like to surf the internet and spend my fair share of time on YouTube watching chainsaw related videos. There are some really cool videos of people cutting down trees, cutting up firewood, or just showing off their new saw. It’s pretty fun and I have learned a lot just watching these. The more I visit sites dedicated to woodcutting, chainsaws etc. the more I stumbled upon a clothing company who makes duds for people who climb trees or work with chainsaws. Arborwear is their name and…here’s what’s really cool…they happen to be headquartered in my back yard of Northeast Ohio! Their website was pretty inviting and they seemed to be a down to earth company so I stopped out at their place to find they have an outlet store. Wow…pretty cool! I picked up a couple pair of pants and this really cool chainsaw shirt pretty cheap. I never find shirts that have chainsaws on them without some perverted reference of the word “wood” so I was excited to pick this one pictured above.
I had my new shirt on the other day when I was visiting a land owner to discuss his trees he was giving me for firewood. While I was talking with him his dog, evidently bothered by the menacing “crossed chainsaws” motif on my shirt, decided to attack me. He jumped on me causing me to twist away. The fierce animal latched onto my shirt and ripped it. Scary, when I think about it now. I was close to losing a portion of my mid-section to this beast. If I decide to return to this lot to cut up trees I will bring along some “protection” if this dog decides to come back. Here is a close-up of the damage. It's a good thing this dog was a Poodle or otherwise it could have really caused damage!

I will post some other pictures of my new pants later. I’m really impressed with Arborwear’s quality and the thought that goes into their products. Yes, having an awesome saw like the Dolmar 7900 in the woods is important…but looks count for something too. Oh, how my wife can resist me I’ll never know.

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